This web site is dedicated in featuring rejected scripture. I hesitate to use the expression “lost books of the Bible” because none of the documents featured here are truly “lost”. Of course some exist in fragment form but the truth is THEY EXIST IN SOME FORM OR ANOTHER AND ARE NOT COMPLETELY LOST.
Some of the documents may exist in several fragments as THE GOSPEL OF PETER. One manuscript is a fragment found in the modern Egyptian city of Akhmim in 1886. Two other smaller fragments named P.Oxy 4009 and P.Oxy. 2949 were found later and it is the opinion of this writer that these are in fact fragments of the same gospel. It is also very likely that the original form of THE APOCALYPSE OF PETER is from this gospel. Another fragment is found in II Clement 5:2-4. Every single fragment of THE GOSPEL OF PETER depicts events during and after the crucifixion. There are no traces of the beginning of this gospel. It is therefore true to say that part of this gospel is indeed “lost”. This site features the Akhmim text of the gospel with the II Clement and Oxyrhynchus Papyri fragments and the apocalypse without the added interpolations. An Akhmim fragment of the apocalypse is also featured which contains the interpolations added to the original apocalypse. I did this only for reference purposes.
Also included on this site is the complete English Bible Apocrypha*: I Esdras, II Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, I Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah, Prayer of Manasseh, I Maccabees, II Maccabees, Greek Daniel and Greek Esther. Additional books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate Apocrypha also appear: III Maccabees, IV Maccabees, Psalms of Solomon, Book of Odes, Psalm 151 and Paul To the Laodiceans (New Testament Vulgate).
Ethiopian Apocrypha are featured: I Enoch, Jubilees, I-III Meqabyan, Ascension of Isaiah, IV Baruch, Apocalypse of Peter and I-II Adam and Eve. Armenian and Syriac Apocrypha include: V Maccabees (the Josephus Jewish Wars Book 6), VI Maccabees, II Baruch, Acts of Paul and Thecla, III Corinthians, Cave of Treasures, Psalms 151-155, Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs, Seventh Vision of Daniel, Vision of Enoch the Just, Lives of the Prophets, Joseph and Aseneth, The Three Epistles of Ignatius and Didascalia. Several Slavonic Apocrypha are featured: III Baruch, II Enoch, Life of Adam and Eve, Ladder of Jacob and Testament of Job.
New Testament Apocrypha that had been in Greek Bibles include: I-II Clement, Epistle of Barnabas, Shepherd of Hermas and The Didache.
A few unique documents are also featured: Acts 29 known as the Sonnini Manuscript, The Book of Jasher and The Gospel of Thomas are some. I have even tried to reconstruct “lost” portions to THE ASSUMPTION OF MOSES.
I hope you will find this site interesting and enlightening. Thank You.
Ronald L Hall
Some of the documents may exist in several fragments as THE GOSPEL OF PETER. One manuscript is a fragment found in the modern Egyptian city of Akhmim in 1886. Two other smaller fragments named P.Oxy 4009 and P.Oxy. 2949 were found later and it is the opinion of this writer that these are in fact fragments of the same gospel. It is also very likely that the original form of THE APOCALYPSE OF PETER is from this gospel. Another fragment is found in II Clement 5:2-4. Every single fragment of THE GOSPEL OF PETER depicts events during and after the crucifixion. There are no traces of the beginning of this gospel. It is therefore true to say that part of this gospel is indeed “lost”. This site features the Akhmim text of the gospel with the II Clement and Oxyrhynchus Papyri fragments and the apocalypse without the added interpolations. An Akhmim fragment of the apocalypse is also featured which contains the interpolations added to the original apocalypse. I did this only for reference purposes.
Also included on this site is the complete English Bible Apocrypha*: I Esdras, II Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, I Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah, Prayer of Manasseh, I Maccabees, II Maccabees, Greek Daniel and Greek Esther. Additional books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate Apocrypha also appear: III Maccabees, IV Maccabees, Psalms of Solomon, Book of Odes, Psalm 151 and Paul To the Laodiceans (New Testament Vulgate).
Ethiopian Apocrypha are featured: I Enoch, Jubilees, I-III Meqabyan, Ascension of Isaiah, IV Baruch, Apocalypse of Peter and I-II Adam and Eve. Armenian and Syriac Apocrypha include: V Maccabees (the Josephus Jewish Wars Book 6), VI Maccabees, II Baruch, Acts of Paul and Thecla, III Corinthians, Cave of Treasures, Psalms 151-155, Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs, Seventh Vision of Daniel, Vision of Enoch the Just, Lives of the Prophets, Joseph and Aseneth, The Three Epistles of Ignatius and Didascalia. Several Slavonic Apocrypha are featured: III Baruch, II Enoch, Life of Adam and Eve, Ladder of Jacob and Testament of Job.
New Testament Apocrypha that had been in Greek Bibles include: I-II Clement, Epistle of Barnabas, Shepherd of Hermas and The Didache.
A few unique documents are also featured: Acts 29 known as the Sonnini Manuscript, The Book of Jasher and The Gospel of Thomas are some. I have even tried to reconstruct “lost” portions to THE ASSUMPTION OF MOSES.
I hope you will find this site interesting and enlightening. Thank You.
Ronald L Hall
*Apocrypha = things hidden, or hidden books
Here are some apocryphal texts, including some that are featured on this site.
1. The Manual of Discipline
2. The Book of Hymns
3. The Zadokite Document
4. The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness
5. Supplication
6. The Hymn of the Initiates
7. The New Covenant
8. The Commentary on Habakkuk
9. The Wondrous Child
10. The Manual of the Future Congregation of Israel
11. The Coming Doom
12. Poimandres
13. Trimorphic Protennoia
14. The Hypostasis of the Archons
15. The Concept of Our Great Power
16. The Christian Sibyllines
17. The Gospel of Eve
18. The Aramaic Life of Adam and Eve
19. The Greek Life of Adam and Eve
20. The Latin Vita Adae et Evae
21. The Greek Testament of Adam
22. The Syriac Testament of Adam
23. The Arabic Testament of Adam
24. The Syriac Book of the Cave of Treasures
25. The Armenian Book of Adam
26. The Book of Adam, after Harnack
27. The Ethiopic Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
28. The Arabic Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
29. The Slavonic Adam-Book
30. The Georgian Adam-Book
31. The Coptic Apocalypse of Adam
32. The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
33. The First Book of Enoch
34. The Second Book of Enoch
35. The Apocalypse of Abraham
36. The Testament of Abraham
37. The Slavonic Tale of the Just Man, Abraham
38. Melchizedek
39. The Testament of Isaac
40. The Testament of Jacob
41. The Romance of Joseph and Asenath
42. The Testament of Job
43. The Testament of Solomon
44. The Apocryphon of Solomon, after Harnack
45. The Odes of Solomon
46. The Oracle of the Potter
47. The Greek Apocalypse of Elijah
48. The Coptic Apocalypse of Elijah
49. The Ascension of Isaiah
50. The Apocalypse of Zephaniah
51. The Anonymous Apocalypse, after Steindorff
52. The Paraleipomena of Jeremiah
53. The Life of Jeremiah, after Torrey
54. The Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch
55. The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch
56. The Ethiopic Apocalypse of Baruch
57. The Apocryphon of Ezekiel
58. The Revelation of the Prophet Daniel
59. The Seventh Vision of Daniel
60. The First Apocalypse of Daniel
61. The Second Apocalypse of Daniel
62. The Third Apocalypse of Daniel
63. The Fourth Apocalypse of Daniel
64. The Fifth Apocalypse of Daniel
65. The Apocalypse of Sedrach
66. The Fourth Book of Ezra
67. The Greek Apocalypse of Ezra
68. The Latin Visio Beati Esdrae
69. The Syriac Revelation of Ezra
70. The Armenian Questions of Ezra
71. The Apocalypse of Zachariah
72. The Gospel of the Ebionites
73. The Gospel of the Hebrews
74. The Gospel of the Nazarenes
75. The Gospel of the Egyptians
76. The AJ-II Source
77. The Life of John the Baptist, after Serapion of Thumis
78. The Life of John the Baptist, after Mark the Evangelist
79. The Life of John the Baptist, after Manuscript Sachau 329
80. An Ecomium on John the Baptist, after John Chrysostom.
81. The Testimonies of Josephus
82. Signs and Wonders at the Persian Court Upon the Birth of Jesus.
83. The Gospel of the Boyhood of Our Lord, Jesus
84. The Boy in the Tower
85. The Unknown Infancy Gospel in the Arundel and Hereford Manuscripts
86. The Infancy Gospel of Matthew
87. The Infancy Gospel of James
88. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
89. The Armenian Infancy Gospel
90. The Arabic Infancy Gospel
91. Q
92. The Priesthood of Jesus
93. A Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Hebrew Prophets
94. The Books of the Savior
95. The Revelation of Aheramentho
96. The Miracles of Jesus
97. The Wisdom of Jesus Christ
98. The Gospel of Gamaliel
99. The Descent of Christ Into Hell
100. The Dispute of the Devil with Christ
101. A Coptic Fragment of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, after Schmidt.
102. The Dialogue of the Redeemer
103. The Avenging of the Savior, after Cura Sanitatis Tiberii
104. The Avenging of the Savior, after Mors Pilati
105. The Avenging of the Savior, after Vindicta Salvatoris
106. The Story of Joseph of Arimathaea
107. Isolated Sayings of Jesus Christ
108. The Letter of Abgar V to Jesus Christ
109. The Letter of Jesus Christ to Abgar V
110. The Letter of Jesus Christ to the Apostles
111. The Testamentum Domini Apocalypse
112. The Three Steles of Seth
113. The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
114. A Latin Apocalyptic Fragment, after Robinson
115. The Apocalyptic Fragments of the Received New Testament
116. The Questions of John to Jesus About the Last Things
117. The Didache Apocalypse
118. The Revelation of Jesus to the Apostles Concerning Abbaton, the Angel of Death.
119. The Naassene Psalm
120. The Christ, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
121. The Dream of the Rood, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
122. Elene, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
123. The Genna Marias
124. The Gospel of the Birth of Mary
125. Stories About the Birth of Mary, after Evodius of Antioch, Cyril of Jerusalem, Demetrius of Antioch, Epiphanius of Salamis, and Cyril of Alexandria
126. Stories About the Death and Assumption of Mary, after Melito of Sardis, Joseph of Arimathaea, John the Apostle, John of Thessalonica, Theodosius of Alexandria, Evodius of Rome, Modestus of Jerusalem, James of Serug, and James of Birta
127. The Departure of My Lady, Mary, from This World
128. The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary
129. The Obsequies of the Holy Virgin
130. The Simplest (Syriac) Form of the Assumption
131. A Coptic Fragment of the Assumption, after Revillout
132. The Letter of Mary to the Messinaeans
133. The Letter of Mary to the Florentines
134. The Greek Apocalypse of Mary, the Mother of Jesus
135. The Latin Apocalypse of Mary, the Mother of Jesus
136. The Ethiopic Apocalypse of Mary, the Mother of Jesus
137. The Coptic Vision of Theophilus.
138. The History of Joseph the Carpenter
139. A Possible Joseph Apocryphon in the Infancy Gospel of James.
140. The Questions of James
141. The Apocryphon Jacobi
142. The Fragments of a Life of James, after Revillout
143. The Gospel of James the Elder, after Santos
144. The Secret Teaching of James, the brother of Jesus, to Mariamme
145. The Ascents of James
146. The Arabic Preaching of James, the Brother of Jesus
147. The Arabic Martyrdom of James, the Brother of Jesus
148. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint James the Just
149. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint James the Just
150. The Received Letter of James to the Exiles of the Dispersion
151. The Received Letter of Jude to Those Who Have Been Called
152. The Greek Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus
153. The Syriac Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus, in the Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
154. The First Coptic Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus
155. The Second Coptic Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus
156. The Third Coptic Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus
157. The Coptic Gospel of Mary Magdalene
158. The Great Questions of Mary Magdalene
159. The Little Questions of Mary Magdalene
160. The Life of Mary Magdalene
161. The Revelation of Lazarus
162. The Gospel of the Seventy
163. The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, after Revillout
164. The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, after Harris
165. The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, after the Quqaje
166. The Jewish-Christian Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
167. The Manichean Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
168. The Memoirs of the Apostles
169. The Gospel of the Four Heavenly Regions of the World
170. The Received Acts of the Apostles
171. The Ebionite Acts of the Twelve Apostles
172. The Manichean Acts of the Twelve Apostles
173. The Latin History of the Apostles, after Abdias of Babylon
174. The Coptic Tripartite Tractate
175. The Coptic On the Origin of the World
176. The Coptic Exegesis on the Soul
177. The Coptic Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
178. The Coptic Testimony of Truth
179. The Coptic Marsanes
180. The Coptic Interpretation of Knowledge
181. The Arabic Acts of the Apostles
182. The Ethiopic Contending of the Apostles
183. The Received Letter of the First Council of Jerusalem
184. The Letter of the Apostles to the Christians of the World
185. The Revelation of Stephen the Deacon
186. The Fate of the Apostles, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
187. The Preaching of Peter
188. The Teaching of Peter
189. The Doctrine of Peter
190. The Circuits of Peter
191. The Preaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome
192. The Journeys of Peter
193. The Gospel of Peter
194. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 840
195. The Acts of Peter
196. The Latin Martyrium Beati Petri Apostoli, after Linus of Rome
197. The Syriac History of Simon Cephas, the Chief of the Apostles
198. The Coptic Act of Peter
199. The First Slavonic Life of Peter
200. The Second Slavonic Life of Peter
201. The Third Slavonic Life of Peter
202. The Slavic Vita Petri
203. The Arabic Preaching of Peter
204. The Arabic Martyrdom of Peter
205. The Ethiopic Acts of Saint Peter
206. The Ethiopic History of Saint Peter
207. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Peter
208. The Ukrainian Life of Peter
209. A Doctrine of Peter
210. The Coptic Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles
211. The Greek Acts of Peter and Paul
212. The Greek Passio Apostolorum Petri et Pauli
213. The Latin Passio Apostolorum Petri et Pauli
214. The Latin Martyrdom of Peter and Paul, after Hegisippus of Palestine.
215. The Arabic Story of Peter and Paul
216. The Arabic Martyrdom of Peter and Paul
217. The Ethiopic Acts of Peter and Paul
218. A Preaching of Peter and Paul
219. The Greek Acts of Peter and Andrew
220. The Greek Martyrium Colbertinum of Ignatius of Antioch
221. The Greek Martyrium Vaticanum of Ignatius of Antioch
222. The Latin Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch
223. The Greek Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch, after Simeon Metaphrastes
224. The Armenian Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch
225. The Greek Martyrdom of Polycarp
226. The Received Letter of Peter to the Exiles of the Dispersion
227. The Received Letter of Peter to Those Who Have Obtained a Faith of Understanding Equal to That of Christianity.
228. The Letter of Peter to Philip
229. The Letter of Peter to James
230. A Fragment of a Letter of Peter
231. The Letter of Ignatius to the Ephesians
232. The Letter of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
233. The Letter of Ignatius to the Magnesians
234. The Letter of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans
235. The Letter of Ignatius to the Antiochenes
236. The Letter of Ignatius to the Philippians
237. The Letter of Ignatius to the Trallians
238. The Letter of Ignatius to the Tarsians
239. The Letter of Ignatius to the Romans
240. The Letter of Ignatius to Hero
241. The Prayer of Hero
242. The Letter of Ignatius to Polycarp
243. The Letter of Polycarp to the Philippians
244. Fragments of Various Letters of Polycarp
245. The Letter of Ignatius to Mary, the Mother of Jesus
246. The Letter of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, to Ignatius
247. The First Letter of Ignatius to John
248. The Second Letter of Ignatius to John
249. The Letter of Mary of Cassobelae to Ignatius
250. The Letter of Ignatius to Mary of Cassobelae
251. A Fragment of a Letter of Ignatius
252. The Greek Apocalypse of Peter
253. The Unknown Latin Apocalypse in the Vision of Adamnan
254. The Syriac Revelation of Peter in the Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
255. The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter
256. The Arabic Apocalypse of Peter
257. The Ethiopic Apocalypse of Peter
258. The Acts of Paul
259. The Greek Preaching of Paul
260. The Latin Praedicatio Pauli
261. The Latin Martyrium Beati Pauli Apostoli, after Linus of Rome.
262. The Syriac History of the Holy Apostle Paul
263. The Slavonic Wanderings of the Apostle Paul Through the Countries
264. The Coptic Prayer of the Apostle Paul
265. The Arabic Praedicatio Apostoli Pauli Electi
266. The Arabic Martyrdom of the Blessed Paul
267. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Paul
268. The Ethiopic History of the Contending of Saint Paul
269. The Greek Acts of Clement
270. The Greek Homilies of Clement
271. The Greek Recognitions of Clement
272. The Greek Acts of Paul and Thecla
273. The Greek Acts of Ananias
274. The Greek Acts of Aquila
275. The Greek Acts of Timothy
276. The Greek Acts of Titus, after Zenas
277. The Greek Acts of Xanthippe, Polyxena and Rebecca
278. The Greek Acts of Zenais and Philonilla
279. The Coptic Teachings of Silvanus
280. The Received Letter of Paul to the Romans
281. The Received Letter of Paul to the Galatians
282. The Received Letter of Paul to the Ephesians
283. The Received Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Philippians
284. The Received Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Colossians
285. The Letter of Paul to the Colossians
286. The First Received Letter of Paul, Silvanus and Timothy to the Thessalonians.
287. The Second Received Letter of Paul, Silvanus and Timothy to the Thessalonians
288. The Received Letter of Paul and Sosthenes to the Corinthians
289. The Received Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Corinthians
290. The Letter of the Corinthians to Paul
291. The Letter of Paul to the Corinthians
292. The Letter of Paul to the Macedonians
293. The Letter of Paul to the Alexandrians
294. The Letter of Paul to the Laodiceans
295. The Received Letter of (Paul? Barnabas? Apollos? Silvanus? Aquila? Priscilla?) to Certain Christian Coverts from Judaism
296. The First Received Letter of Paul to Timothy
297. The Second Received Letter of Paul to Timothy
298. The Received Letter of Paul to Titus
299. The Letter of Titus to His Fellow Celibates
300. The Letters of Paul to Seneca and Seneca to Paul (a-l)
301. The Letters of Paul to Seneca and Seneca to Paul (m-n)
302. The Received Letter of Paul and Timothy to Philemon
303. The Letter of Dionysius the Areopagite to Timothy
304. The Letter of His Father to Rheginos
305. The Letter of Pelagia
306. The First Letter of Clement to the Corinthians
307. The Second Letter of Clement to the Corinthians
308. The First Letter of Clement on Virginity
309. The Second Letter of Clement on Virginity
310. The Letter of Appion to Clement
311. The Letter of Clement to Appion
312. The Letter of Clement to James
313. The Greek Apocalypse of Paul
314. The Coptic Apocalypse of Paul
315. The Latin Apocalypse of Saint Paul
316. The Shepherd of Hermas
317. The Received Gospel of John
318. The Repose of Saint John the Evangelist and Apostle
319. Fragments of a Dialogue Between John and Jesus
320. A Fragment of an Unknown Gospel with Johannine Elements
321. The Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians
322. The Book of John the Evangelist
323. The Apocryphon of John
324. A Gospel Fragment From the Strasbourg Coptic Papyrus
325. The Acts of John
326. The Greek Acts of John, after Prochorus the Deacon
327. The Preaching of John
328. The Latin Virtutes Joannis, after Abdias of Babylon
329. The Latin Passio Joannis, after Mellitus of Laodicea
330. The Latin Liber Sancta Joannis
331. The Syriac History of John, after Eusebius of Caesarea
332. The Syriac Decease of Saint John
333. The Greek Decease of Saint John
334. The Coptic Martyrdom of John
335. The Arabic Story of John, the Son of Zebedee
336. The Arabic Travels of John, the Son of Zebedee
337. The Arabic Death of John, the Son of Zebedee
338. The Arabic Death of Saint John
339. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint John the Evangelist
340. The Ethiopic History of the Death of Saint John the Evangelist
341. The Received Letter of John to an Unspecified Number of His Fellow Christians
342. The Received Letter of John to an Unspecified Church in Asia Minor
343. The Received Letter of John to Gaius
344. A Fragment of a Letter of John
345. The Received Apocalypse of John
346. The Greek Apocalypse of John the Theologian
347. The Syriac Revelation of John in the Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
348. The Coptic Apocalypse of John
349. The Audian Revelation of John
350. The Apocalypse of John, after Nau
351. The Mysteries of Saint John the Apostle and Holy Virgin
352. The Egyptian Gospel of Thomas
353. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1, 654, 655
354. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1224
355. The Fayuum Fragment
356. Lost Material in Sanskrit About Thomas the Apostle
357. The Acts of Thomas
358. The Syriac Acts of Thomas
359. The Armenian Acts of Thomas
360. The Arabic Acts of Thomas
361. The Arabic Martyrdom of Thomas
362. The Greek Acts of Thomas, after James
363. The Greek Consummation of Thomas
364. The Latin Martyrdom of Thomas, after Abdias of Babylon
365. The Latin Martyrdom of Thomas, after Gregory of Tours
366. The Ethiopic Acts of Saint Thomas in India
367. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Thomas in India
368. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Thomas in India
369. The Apocalypse of Thomas
370. The Book of Thomas the Contender
371. The Saltair Na Rann
372. The Fifteen Signs of the Last Days
373. The Acts of Andrew
374. The Greek Martyrium Andreae Prius
375. The Greek Martyrium Sancti Apostoli Andreae
376. The Greek Martyrium Andreae Alterum
377. The Greek Vita Andreae, after Epiphanius of Salamis
378. The Greek Vita Andreae Apostoli cum Laudatione Contexta
379. The Greek Codex Vaticanus Graecae 808
380. The Coptic Acts of Andrew
381. The Latin Passio Sancti Andreae Apostoli
382. The Greek Passio Sancti Andreae Apostoli
383. The Latin Martyrdom of Andrew, after Abdias of Babylon
384. The Latin Liber de Miraculis Beati Andreae Apostoli, after Gregory of Tours.
385. The Arabic Martyrdom of Saint Andrew
386. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Andrew in Scythia
387. The Arabic Acts of Andrew and Bartholomew
388. The Ethiopic Acts of Saints Andrew and Bartholomew Among the Parthians
389. The Arabic Acts of Andrew and Philemon in Scythia
390. The Ethiopic Preaching of Andrew and Philemon Among the Kurds
391. The Greek Acts of Andrew and Matthias
392. The Syriac Martyrdom of Matthew and Andrew
393. The Ethiopic Acts of Andrew and Matthias
394. The Coptic Acts of Andrew and Paul
395. Andreas, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
396. The Gospel of Philip
397. A Fragment of an Unknown Gospel with Philippine Elements
398. The Acts of Philip
399. The Greek Journeyings of Philip the Apostle
400. The Greek Acts of Philip in Hellas
401. The Greek Translatio Philippi
402. The Latin Passio Philippi
403. The Evangelium of Philip
404. The Syriac Acts of Philip
405. The Coptic Acts of Philip
406. The Armenian Acts of Philip
407. The Arabic Preaching of Philip
408. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Philip and Saint Peter
409. The Arabic Martyrdom of Philip
410. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Philip in Phrygia
411. The Irish Martyrdom of Philip
412. The Greek Acts of Hermione
413. The Martyrdom of Julitta and Quiricus
414. The Irish Apocalypse of Philip
415. The Gospel of Bartholomew
416. The Questions of Bartholomew
417. The Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Bartholomew the Apostle
418. The Life of Saint Bartholomew, after the Ethiopian Synaxarion
419. The Greek Martyrdom of Bartholomew
420. The Latin Martyrdom of Bartholomew
421. The Coptic Preaching of Bartholomew
422. The Armenian Martyrdom of Bartholomew
423. The Arabic Preaching of Bartholomew
424. The Arabic Martyrdom of Bartholomew
425. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Bartholomew in the Oasis
426. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew in Naidas
427. The Received Gospel of Matthew
428. The Greek Martyrdom of Matthew
429. The Latin Martyrdom of Matthew
430. The Coptic Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew
431. The Arabic Martyrdom of Matthew
432. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Matthew in Parthia
433. The Latin Passio Sancti Matthaei
434. The Arabic Acts of Matthew
435. The Ethiopic Acts of Saint Matthew in the City of Kahenat.
436. The Arabic Martyrdom of James, the Brother of Matthew
437. The Gospel of Matthias
438. The Traditions of Matthias
439. The Greek Preaching of Matthias
440. The Syriac Preaching of Matthias
441. The Arabic Preaching of Saint Matthias
442. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Matthias
443. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Matthias in the City of the Cannibals
444. The Arabic Martyrdom of Saint Matthias
445. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Matthias
446. The Latin Gesta Matthiae
447. The Greek Acts of Thaddaeus
448. The Syriac Doctrine of Addaeus the Apostle
449. The Armenian Acts of Thaddaeus
450. The Latin Acta Thaddaei, after Abdias of Babylon
451. The Arabic Preaching of Thaddaeus
452. The Ethiopic Preaching of Judas Thaddaeus in Syria
453. The Greek Acts of Sharbil
454. The Syriac Acts of Sharbil
455. The Syriac Martyrdom of Barsumya
456. The Armenian Martyrdom of Barsumya
457. The Greek Acts of James, the Son of Zebedee
458. The Greek Acts of James the Great
459. The Latin Acts of James the Great
460. The Coptic Acts and Death of James the Great
461. The Armenian Acts and Death of James the Great
462. The Arabic Acts of James, the Son of Zebedee
463. The Ethiopic Acts of Saint James in India
464. The Arabic Martyrdom of James, the Son of Zebedee
465. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint James
466. The Received Gospel of Mark
467. The Variant Gospel of Mark in the Koreidethi Codex
468. The Secret Gospel of Mark
469. Papyrus Gospel Fragment A, after James
470. The Greek Acts of Mark
471. The Latin Acts of Mark
472. The Arabic Martyrdom of Mark
473. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Mark the Evangelist in Alexandria
474. The Coptic Preaching of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
475. The Arabic Preaching of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
476. The Ethiopic Preaching of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
477. The Arabic Martyrdom of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
478. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
479. The Latin Acts of Simon and Jude
480. The Gospel of James, the Son of Alphaeus
481. The Coptic Acts and Martyrdom of James the Less
482. The Armenian Acts and Martyrdom of James the Less
483. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint James, the Son of Alphaeus
484. The Revelation of James, the Son of Alphaeus
485. The Greek Acts of Barnabas
486. The Latin Acts of Barnabas
487. The Greek Life of Auxibius of Soli
488. The Greek Life of Heraclides of Tamasus
489. The Letter of Barnabas to His Sons and Daughters
490. The Received Gospel of Luke
491. The Coptic Acts of Luke
492. The Arabic Martyrdom of Saint Luke
493. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Luke
494. The Latin Gospel of Truth, associated with Valentinus
495. The Coptic Gospel of Truth, associated with Valentinus
496. The Letter of Ptolemy to Flora
497. A Coptic Valentinian Exposition
498. The Gospel of Judas Iscariot
499. The Martyrdom of Judas Iscariot
500. The Gospel of Apelles
501. The Manifestations of Philumene
502. The Gospel of Bardesanes
503. The Gospel of Basilides
504. The Gospel of Cerinthus
505. The Gospel of Hesychius
506. The Gospel of Lucianus
507. The Gospel of Mani
508. The Gospel of Marcion
509. The Gospel of Perfection, associated with Nicolas
510. The Book of Elchasai
511. The Letter from an Unknown Person to Diognetus.
512. The Prophecy of the Montanists
513. The Greek Acts of Pilate
514. The Latin Acts of Pilate
515. The Coptic Acts of Pilate
516. The Syriac Acts of Pilate
517. The Armenian Acts of Pilate
518. The Anglo-Saxon Acts of Pilate
519. The Greek Acts of Cornelius
520. The Greek Acts of Nereus and Achielleus
521. The Latin Acts of Nereus and Achielleus
522. The Greek Martyrium Sancti Longini Centurionis, after Hesychius of Jerusalem
523. The Greek Martyrium Sancti et Glorioso Martyris, after Simeon of Constantinople
524. The Arabic Martyrdom of Longinus
525. The Letter of Pilate to Tiberius I
526. The Report of Pilate to Tiberius I
527. The Letter of Tiberius I to Pilate
528. The First Letter of Abgar V to Tiberius I
529. The Second Letter of Abgar V to Tiberius I
530. The Third Letter of Abgar V to Tiberius I
531. The Letter of Tiberius I to Abgar V
532. The Letter of Pilate to Herod
533. The Letter of Herod to Pilate
534. The Letter of Pilate to Claudius I.
535. The Letter of Lentulus to the Senate of the Roman People
536. Papyrus Cairensis 10735
537. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 210
538. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1384
1. The Manual of Discipline
2. The Book of Hymns
3. The Zadokite Document
4. The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness
5. Supplication
6. The Hymn of the Initiates
7. The New Covenant
8. The Commentary on Habakkuk
9. The Wondrous Child
10. The Manual of the Future Congregation of Israel
11. The Coming Doom
12. Poimandres
13. Trimorphic Protennoia
14. The Hypostasis of the Archons
15. The Concept of Our Great Power
16. The Christian Sibyllines
17. The Gospel of Eve
18. The Aramaic Life of Adam and Eve
19. The Greek Life of Adam and Eve
20. The Latin Vita Adae et Evae
21. The Greek Testament of Adam
22. The Syriac Testament of Adam
23. The Arabic Testament of Adam
24. The Syriac Book of the Cave of Treasures
25. The Armenian Book of Adam
26. The Book of Adam, after Harnack
27. The Ethiopic Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
28. The Arabic Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
29. The Slavonic Adam-Book
30. The Georgian Adam-Book
31. The Coptic Apocalypse of Adam
32. The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
33. The First Book of Enoch
34. The Second Book of Enoch
35. The Apocalypse of Abraham
36. The Testament of Abraham
37. The Slavonic Tale of the Just Man, Abraham
38. Melchizedek
39. The Testament of Isaac
40. The Testament of Jacob
41. The Romance of Joseph and Asenath
42. The Testament of Job
43. The Testament of Solomon
44. The Apocryphon of Solomon, after Harnack
45. The Odes of Solomon
46. The Oracle of the Potter
47. The Greek Apocalypse of Elijah
48. The Coptic Apocalypse of Elijah
49. The Ascension of Isaiah
50. The Apocalypse of Zephaniah
51. The Anonymous Apocalypse, after Steindorff
52. The Paraleipomena of Jeremiah
53. The Life of Jeremiah, after Torrey
54. The Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch
55. The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch
56. The Ethiopic Apocalypse of Baruch
57. The Apocryphon of Ezekiel
58. The Revelation of the Prophet Daniel
59. The Seventh Vision of Daniel
60. The First Apocalypse of Daniel
61. The Second Apocalypse of Daniel
62. The Third Apocalypse of Daniel
63. The Fourth Apocalypse of Daniel
64. The Fifth Apocalypse of Daniel
65. The Apocalypse of Sedrach
66. The Fourth Book of Ezra
67. The Greek Apocalypse of Ezra
68. The Latin Visio Beati Esdrae
69. The Syriac Revelation of Ezra
70. The Armenian Questions of Ezra
71. The Apocalypse of Zachariah
72. The Gospel of the Ebionites
73. The Gospel of the Hebrews
74. The Gospel of the Nazarenes
75. The Gospel of the Egyptians
76. The AJ-II Source
77. The Life of John the Baptist, after Serapion of Thumis
78. The Life of John the Baptist, after Mark the Evangelist
79. The Life of John the Baptist, after Manuscript Sachau 329
80. An Ecomium on John the Baptist, after John Chrysostom.
81. The Testimonies of Josephus
82. Signs and Wonders at the Persian Court Upon the Birth of Jesus.
83. The Gospel of the Boyhood of Our Lord, Jesus
84. The Boy in the Tower
85. The Unknown Infancy Gospel in the Arundel and Hereford Manuscripts
86. The Infancy Gospel of Matthew
87. The Infancy Gospel of James
88. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
89. The Armenian Infancy Gospel
90. The Arabic Infancy Gospel
91. Q
92. The Priesthood of Jesus
93. A Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Hebrew Prophets
94. The Books of the Savior
95. The Revelation of Aheramentho
96. The Miracles of Jesus
97. The Wisdom of Jesus Christ
98. The Gospel of Gamaliel
99. The Descent of Christ Into Hell
100. The Dispute of the Devil with Christ
101. A Coptic Fragment of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, after Schmidt.
102. The Dialogue of the Redeemer
103. The Avenging of the Savior, after Cura Sanitatis Tiberii
104. The Avenging of the Savior, after Mors Pilati
105. The Avenging of the Savior, after Vindicta Salvatoris
106. The Story of Joseph of Arimathaea
107. Isolated Sayings of Jesus Christ
108. The Letter of Abgar V to Jesus Christ
109. The Letter of Jesus Christ to Abgar V
110. The Letter of Jesus Christ to the Apostles
111. The Testamentum Domini Apocalypse
112. The Three Steles of Seth
113. The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
114. A Latin Apocalyptic Fragment, after Robinson
115. The Apocalyptic Fragments of the Received New Testament
116. The Questions of John to Jesus About the Last Things
117. The Didache Apocalypse
118. The Revelation of Jesus to the Apostles Concerning Abbaton, the Angel of Death.
119. The Naassene Psalm
120. The Christ, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
121. The Dream of the Rood, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
122. Elene, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
123. The Genna Marias
124. The Gospel of the Birth of Mary
125. Stories About the Birth of Mary, after Evodius of Antioch, Cyril of Jerusalem, Demetrius of Antioch, Epiphanius of Salamis, and Cyril of Alexandria
126. Stories About the Death and Assumption of Mary, after Melito of Sardis, Joseph of Arimathaea, John the Apostle, John of Thessalonica, Theodosius of Alexandria, Evodius of Rome, Modestus of Jerusalem, James of Serug, and James of Birta
127. The Departure of My Lady, Mary, from This World
128. The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary
129. The Obsequies of the Holy Virgin
130. The Simplest (Syriac) Form of the Assumption
131. A Coptic Fragment of the Assumption, after Revillout
132. The Letter of Mary to the Messinaeans
133. The Letter of Mary to the Florentines
134. The Greek Apocalypse of Mary, the Mother of Jesus
135. The Latin Apocalypse of Mary, the Mother of Jesus
136. The Ethiopic Apocalypse of Mary, the Mother of Jesus
137. The Coptic Vision of Theophilus.
138. The History of Joseph the Carpenter
139. A Possible Joseph Apocryphon in the Infancy Gospel of James.
140. The Questions of James
141. The Apocryphon Jacobi
142. The Fragments of a Life of James, after Revillout
143. The Gospel of James the Elder, after Santos
144. The Secret Teaching of James, the brother of Jesus, to Mariamme
145. The Ascents of James
146. The Arabic Preaching of James, the Brother of Jesus
147. The Arabic Martyrdom of James, the Brother of Jesus
148. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint James the Just
149. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint James the Just
150. The Received Letter of James to the Exiles of the Dispersion
151. The Received Letter of Jude to Those Who Have Been Called
152. The Greek Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus
153. The Syriac Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus, in the Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
154. The First Coptic Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus
155. The Second Coptic Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus
156. The Third Coptic Apocalypse of James, the Brother of Jesus
157. The Coptic Gospel of Mary Magdalene
158. The Great Questions of Mary Magdalene
159. The Little Questions of Mary Magdalene
160. The Life of Mary Magdalene
161. The Revelation of Lazarus
162. The Gospel of the Seventy
163. The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, after Revillout
164. The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, after Harris
165. The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, after the Quqaje
166. The Jewish-Christian Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
167. The Manichean Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
168. The Memoirs of the Apostles
169. The Gospel of the Four Heavenly Regions of the World
170. The Received Acts of the Apostles
171. The Ebionite Acts of the Twelve Apostles
172. The Manichean Acts of the Twelve Apostles
173. The Latin History of the Apostles, after Abdias of Babylon
174. The Coptic Tripartite Tractate
175. The Coptic On the Origin of the World
176. The Coptic Exegesis on the Soul
177. The Coptic Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
178. The Coptic Testimony of Truth
179. The Coptic Marsanes
180. The Coptic Interpretation of Knowledge
181. The Arabic Acts of the Apostles
182. The Ethiopic Contending of the Apostles
183. The Received Letter of the First Council of Jerusalem
184. The Letter of the Apostles to the Christians of the World
185. The Revelation of Stephen the Deacon
186. The Fate of the Apostles, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
187. The Preaching of Peter
188. The Teaching of Peter
189. The Doctrine of Peter
190. The Circuits of Peter
191. The Preaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome
192. The Journeys of Peter
193. The Gospel of Peter
194. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 840
195. The Acts of Peter
196. The Latin Martyrium Beati Petri Apostoli, after Linus of Rome
197. The Syriac History of Simon Cephas, the Chief of the Apostles
198. The Coptic Act of Peter
199. The First Slavonic Life of Peter
200. The Second Slavonic Life of Peter
201. The Third Slavonic Life of Peter
202. The Slavic Vita Petri
203. The Arabic Preaching of Peter
204. The Arabic Martyrdom of Peter
205. The Ethiopic Acts of Saint Peter
206. The Ethiopic History of Saint Peter
207. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Peter
208. The Ukrainian Life of Peter
209. A Doctrine of Peter
210. The Coptic Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles
211. The Greek Acts of Peter and Paul
212. The Greek Passio Apostolorum Petri et Pauli
213. The Latin Passio Apostolorum Petri et Pauli
214. The Latin Martyrdom of Peter and Paul, after Hegisippus of Palestine.
215. The Arabic Story of Peter and Paul
216. The Arabic Martyrdom of Peter and Paul
217. The Ethiopic Acts of Peter and Paul
218. A Preaching of Peter and Paul
219. The Greek Acts of Peter and Andrew
220. The Greek Martyrium Colbertinum of Ignatius of Antioch
221. The Greek Martyrium Vaticanum of Ignatius of Antioch
222. The Latin Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch
223. The Greek Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch, after Simeon Metaphrastes
224. The Armenian Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch
225. The Greek Martyrdom of Polycarp
226. The Received Letter of Peter to the Exiles of the Dispersion
227. The Received Letter of Peter to Those Who Have Obtained a Faith of Understanding Equal to That of Christianity.
228. The Letter of Peter to Philip
229. The Letter of Peter to James
230. A Fragment of a Letter of Peter
231. The Letter of Ignatius to the Ephesians
232. The Letter of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
233. The Letter of Ignatius to the Magnesians
234. The Letter of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans
235. The Letter of Ignatius to the Antiochenes
236. The Letter of Ignatius to the Philippians
237. The Letter of Ignatius to the Trallians
238. The Letter of Ignatius to the Tarsians
239. The Letter of Ignatius to the Romans
240. The Letter of Ignatius to Hero
241. The Prayer of Hero
242. The Letter of Ignatius to Polycarp
243. The Letter of Polycarp to the Philippians
244. Fragments of Various Letters of Polycarp
245. The Letter of Ignatius to Mary, the Mother of Jesus
246. The Letter of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, to Ignatius
247. The First Letter of Ignatius to John
248. The Second Letter of Ignatius to John
249. The Letter of Mary of Cassobelae to Ignatius
250. The Letter of Ignatius to Mary of Cassobelae
251. A Fragment of a Letter of Ignatius
252. The Greek Apocalypse of Peter
253. The Unknown Latin Apocalypse in the Vision of Adamnan
254. The Syriac Revelation of Peter in the Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
255. The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter
256. The Arabic Apocalypse of Peter
257. The Ethiopic Apocalypse of Peter
258. The Acts of Paul
259. The Greek Preaching of Paul
260. The Latin Praedicatio Pauli
261. The Latin Martyrium Beati Pauli Apostoli, after Linus of Rome.
262. The Syriac History of the Holy Apostle Paul
263. The Slavonic Wanderings of the Apostle Paul Through the Countries
264. The Coptic Prayer of the Apostle Paul
265. The Arabic Praedicatio Apostoli Pauli Electi
266. The Arabic Martyrdom of the Blessed Paul
267. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Paul
268. The Ethiopic History of the Contending of Saint Paul
269. The Greek Acts of Clement
270. The Greek Homilies of Clement
271. The Greek Recognitions of Clement
272. The Greek Acts of Paul and Thecla
273. The Greek Acts of Ananias
274. The Greek Acts of Aquila
275. The Greek Acts of Timothy
276. The Greek Acts of Titus, after Zenas
277. The Greek Acts of Xanthippe, Polyxena and Rebecca
278. The Greek Acts of Zenais and Philonilla
279. The Coptic Teachings of Silvanus
280. The Received Letter of Paul to the Romans
281. The Received Letter of Paul to the Galatians
282. The Received Letter of Paul to the Ephesians
283. The Received Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Philippians
284. The Received Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Colossians
285. The Letter of Paul to the Colossians
286. The First Received Letter of Paul, Silvanus and Timothy to the Thessalonians.
287. The Second Received Letter of Paul, Silvanus and Timothy to the Thessalonians
288. The Received Letter of Paul and Sosthenes to the Corinthians
289. The Received Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Corinthians
290. The Letter of the Corinthians to Paul
291. The Letter of Paul to the Corinthians
292. The Letter of Paul to the Macedonians
293. The Letter of Paul to the Alexandrians
294. The Letter of Paul to the Laodiceans
295. The Received Letter of (Paul? Barnabas? Apollos? Silvanus? Aquila? Priscilla?) to Certain Christian Coverts from Judaism
296. The First Received Letter of Paul to Timothy
297. The Second Received Letter of Paul to Timothy
298. The Received Letter of Paul to Titus
299. The Letter of Titus to His Fellow Celibates
300. The Letters of Paul to Seneca and Seneca to Paul (a-l)
301. The Letters of Paul to Seneca and Seneca to Paul (m-n)
302. The Received Letter of Paul and Timothy to Philemon
303. The Letter of Dionysius the Areopagite to Timothy
304. The Letter of His Father to Rheginos
305. The Letter of Pelagia
306. The First Letter of Clement to the Corinthians
307. The Second Letter of Clement to the Corinthians
308. The First Letter of Clement on Virginity
309. The Second Letter of Clement on Virginity
310. The Letter of Appion to Clement
311. The Letter of Clement to Appion
312. The Letter of Clement to James
313. The Greek Apocalypse of Paul
314. The Coptic Apocalypse of Paul
315. The Latin Apocalypse of Saint Paul
316. The Shepherd of Hermas
317. The Received Gospel of John
318. The Repose of Saint John the Evangelist and Apostle
319. Fragments of a Dialogue Between John and Jesus
320. A Fragment of an Unknown Gospel with Johannine Elements
321. The Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians
322. The Book of John the Evangelist
323. The Apocryphon of John
324. A Gospel Fragment From the Strasbourg Coptic Papyrus
325. The Acts of John
326. The Greek Acts of John, after Prochorus the Deacon
327. The Preaching of John
328. The Latin Virtutes Joannis, after Abdias of Babylon
329. The Latin Passio Joannis, after Mellitus of Laodicea
330. The Latin Liber Sancta Joannis
331. The Syriac History of John, after Eusebius of Caesarea
332. The Syriac Decease of Saint John
333. The Greek Decease of Saint John
334. The Coptic Martyrdom of John
335. The Arabic Story of John, the Son of Zebedee
336. The Arabic Travels of John, the Son of Zebedee
337. The Arabic Death of John, the Son of Zebedee
338. The Arabic Death of Saint John
339. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint John the Evangelist
340. The Ethiopic History of the Death of Saint John the Evangelist
341. The Received Letter of John to an Unspecified Number of His Fellow Christians
342. The Received Letter of John to an Unspecified Church in Asia Minor
343. The Received Letter of John to Gaius
344. A Fragment of a Letter of John
345. The Received Apocalypse of John
346. The Greek Apocalypse of John the Theologian
347. The Syriac Revelation of John in the Gospel of the Twelve Apostles
348. The Coptic Apocalypse of John
349. The Audian Revelation of John
350. The Apocalypse of John, after Nau
351. The Mysteries of Saint John the Apostle and Holy Virgin
352. The Egyptian Gospel of Thomas
353. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1, 654, 655
354. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1224
355. The Fayuum Fragment
356. Lost Material in Sanskrit About Thomas the Apostle
357. The Acts of Thomas
358. The Syriac Acts of Thomas
359. The Armenian Acts of Thomas
360. The Arabic Acts of Thomas
361. The Arabic Martyrdom of Thomas
362. The Greek Acts of Thomas, after James
363. The Greek Consummation of Thomas
364. The Latin Martyrdom of Thomas, after Abdias of Babylon
365. The Latin Martyrdom of Thomas, after Gregory of Tours
366. The Ethiopic Acts of Saint Thomas in India
367. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Thomas in India
368. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Thomas in India
369. The Apocalypse of Thomas
370. The Book of Thomas the Contender
371. The Saltair Na Rann
372. The Fifteen Signs of the Last Days
373. The Acts of Andrew
374. The Greek Martyrium Andreae Prius
375. The Greek Martyrium Sancti Apostoli Andreae
376. The Greek Martyrium Andreae Alterum
377. The Greek Vita Andreae, after Epiphanius of Salamis
378. The Greek Vita Andreae Apostoli cum Laudatione Contexta
379. The Greek Codex Vaticanus Graecae 808
380. The Coptic Acts of Andrew
381. The Latin Passio Sancti Andreae Apostoli
382. The Greek Passio Sancti Andreae Apostoli
383. The Latin Martyrdom of Andrew, after Abdias of Babylon
384. The Latin Liber de Miraculis Beati Andreae Apostoli, after Gregory of Tours.
385. The Arabic Martyrdom of Saint Andrew
386. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Andrew in Scythia
387. The Arabic Acts of Andrew and Bartholomew
388. The Ethiopic Acts of Saints Andrew and Bartholomew Among the Parthians
389. The Arabic Acts of Andrew and Philemon in Scythia
390. The Ethiopic Preaching of Andrew and Philemon Among the Kurds
391. The Greek Acts of Andrew and Matthias
392. The Syriac Martyrdom of Matthew and Andrew
393. The Ethiopic Acts of Andrew and Matthias
394. The Coptic Acts of Andrew and Paul
395. Andreas, after Cynewulf of Northumbria
396. The Gospel of Philip
397. A Fragment of an Unknown Gospel with Philippine Elements
398. The Acts of Philip
399. The Greek Journeyings of Philip the Apostle
400. The Greek Acts of Philip in Hellas
401. The Greek Translatio Philippi
402. The Latin Passio Philippi
403. The Evangelium of Philip
404. The Syriac Acts of Philip
405. The Coptic Acts of Philip
406. The Armenian Acts of Philip
407. The Arabic Preaching of Philip
408. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Philip and Saint Peter
409. The Arabic Martyrdom of Philip
410. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Philip in Phrygia
411. The Irish Martyrdom of Philip
412. The Greek Acts of Hermione
413. The Martyrdom of Julitta and Quiricus
414. The Irish Apocalypse of Philip
415. The Gospel of Bartholomew
416. The Questions of Bartholomew
417. The Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Bartholomew the Apostle
418. The Life of Saint Bartholomew, after the Ethiopian Synaxarion
419. The Greek Martyrdom of Bartholomew
420. The Latin Martyrdom of Bartholomew
421. The Coptic Preaching of Bartholomew
422. The Armenian Martyrdom of Bartholomew
423. The Arabic Preaching of Bartholomew
424. The Arabic Martyrdom of Bartholomew
425. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Bartholomew in the Oasis
426. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew in Naidas
427. The Received Gospel of Matthew
428. The Greek Martyrdom of Matthew
429. The Latin Martyrdom of Matthew
430. The Coptic Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew
431. The Arabic Martyrdom of Matthew
432. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Matthew in Parthia
433. The Latin Passio Sancti Matthaei
434. The Arabic Acts of Matthew
435. The Ethiopic Acts of Saint Matthew in the City of Kahenat.
436. The Arabic Martyrdom of James, the Brother of Matthew
437. The Gospel of Matthias
438. The Traditions of Matthias
439. The Greek Preaching of Matthias
440. The Syriac Preaching of Matthias
441. The Arabic Preaching of Saint Matthias
442. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Matthias
443. The Ethiopic Preaching of Saint Matthias in the City of the Cannibals
444. The Arabic Martyrdom of Saint Matthias
445. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Matthias
446. The Latin Gesta Matthiae
447. The Greek Acts of Thaddaeus
448. The Syriac Doctrine of Addaeus the Apostle
449. The Armenian Acts of Thaddaeus
450. The Latin Acta Thaddaei, after Abdias of Babylon
451. The Arabic Preaching of Thaddaeus
452. The Ethiopic Preaching of Judas Thaddaeus in Syria
453. The Greek Acts of Sharbil
454. The Syriac Acts of Sharbil
455. The Syriac Martyrdom of Barsumya
456. The Armenian Martyrdom of Barsumya
457. The Greek Acts of James, the Son of Zebedee
458. The Greek Acts of James the Great
459. The Latin Acts of James the Great
460. The Coptic Acts and Death of James the Great
461. The Armenian Acts and Death of James the Great
462. The Arabic Acts of James, the Son of Zebedee
463. The Ethiopic Acts of Saint James in India
464. The Arabic Martyrdom of James, the Son of Zebedee
465. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint James
466. The Received Gospel of Mark
467. The Variant Gospel of Mark in the Koreidethi Codex
468. The Secret Gospel of Mark
469. Papyrus Gospel Fragment A, after James
470. The Greek Acts of Mark
471. The Latin Acts of Mark
472. The Arabic Martyrdom of Mark
473. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Mark the Evangelist in Alexandria
474. The Coptic Preaching of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
475. The Arabic Preaching of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
476. The Ethiopic Preaching of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
477. The Arabic Martyrdom of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
478. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Simon, the Son of Cleopas
479. The Latin Acts of Simon and Jude
480. The Gospel of James, the Son of Alphaeus
481. The Coptic Acts and Martyrdom of James the Less
482. The Armenian Acts and Martyrdom of James the Less
483. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint James, the Son of Alphaeus
484. The Revelation of James, the Son of Alphaeus
485. The Greek Acts of Barnabas
486. The Latin Acts of Barnabas
487. The Greek Life of Auxibius of Soli
488. The Greek Life of Heraclides of Tamasus
489. The Letter of Barnabas to His Sons and Daughters
490. The Received Gospel of Luke
491. The Coptic Acts of Luke
492. The Arabic Martyrdom of Saint Luke
493. The Ethiopic Martyrdom of Saint Luke
494. The Latin Gospel of Truth, associated with Valentinus
495. The Coptic Gospel of Truth, associated with Valentinus
496. The Letter of Ptolemy to Flora
497. A Coptic Valentinian Exposition
498. The Gospel of Judas Iscariot
499. The Martyrdom of Judas Iscariot
500. The Gospel of Apelles
501. The Manifestations of Philumene
502. The Gospel of Bardesanes
503. The Gospel of Basilides
504. The Gospel of Cerinthus
505. The Gospel of Hesychius
506. The Gospel of Lucianus
507. The Gospel of Mani
508. The Gospel of Marcion
509. The Gospel of Perfection, associated with Nicolas
510. The Book of Elchasai
511. The Letter from an Unknown Person to Diognetus.
512. The Prophecy of the Montanists
513. The Greek Acts of Pilate
514. The Latin Acts of Pilate
515. The Coptic Acts of Pilate
516. The Syriac Acts of Pilate
517. The Armenian Acts of Pilate
518. The Anglo-Saxon Acts of Pilate
519. The Greek Acts of Cornelius
520. The Greek Acts of Nereus and Achielleus
521. The Latin Acts of Nereus and Achielleus
522. The Greek Martyrium Sancti Longini Centurionis, after Hesychius of Jerusalem
523. The Greek Martyrium Sancti et Glorioso Martyris, after Simeon of Constantinople
524. The Arabic Martyrdom of Longinus
525. The Letter of Pilate to Tiberius I
526. The Report of Pilate to Tiberius I
527. The Letter of Tiberius I to Pilate
528. The First Letter of Abgar V to Tiberius I
529. The Second Letter of Abgar V to Tiberius I
530. The Third Letter of Abgar V to Tiberius I
531. The Letter of Tiberius I to Abgar V
532. The Letter of Pilate to Herod
533. The Letter of Herod to Pilate
534. The Letter of Pilate to Claudius I.
535. The Letter of Lentulus to the Senate of the Roman People
536. Papyrus Cairensis 10735
537. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 210
538. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1384